April is Stress Awareness Month - is it time to slow down?

April is Stress Awareness Month and we’re likely to see lots of information coming our way about how important it is to manage stress and anxiety. And rightly so.

Stress Awareness month takes place in April each year and has been running since 1992. The event serves to raise awareness of the causes of modern-day stress.

Stress is something we have all experienced at some point in our lives yet most of us probably just power through without stopping to look after ourselves. Each of us have things going on in our lives that have the potential to overwhelm us, and the pace of life these days is so fast. There is also a lot of pressure on us to be ‘on’ 24/7. It’s not good.

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It’s not always the big life-changing stuff that brings on stress either. It can be everyday things like work deadlines, worrying about money, not having enough hours in the day to do everything we have to. The list is endless. Stress can affect us all in so many ways and everybody deals with it differently and depending on how we manage it, it could lead to bigger health problems.

Obviously, I am not qualified to make a diagnosis or to offer medical advice but as a busy, working parent with worries and woes like everyone else, I have come to recognise the signs in my mind and body if I’m starting to feel under pressure.

I’m fairly laid-back and I tend not to rush around too much but just because I appear calm, doesn’t mean that I am. There are days when I too battle stress and anxiety and it feels like I’m on a runaway train. I’ve simply taught myself to recognise the warning signs and to take back control of my mind and my emotions. It sounds a bit far out but it’s the truth.

I have some go-to stressbusters that help me when I’m feeling a little overwhelmed or agitated. They may be simple remedies, but they work for me and maybe you can try them too. These tips and suggestions are only a guide and not intended to replace proper medical advice. I simply find them helpful when I’m feeling that things are getting on top me. Even if there’s nothing serious to worry about, we could all benefit from slowing down and giving ourselves some self-care.

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If time and money allow, one of the most effective things that helps me cope with stress is a spa treatment. Being shut away from the world in a candlelit room having a facial or a hot stones/aromatherapy massage is sometimes all I need to make me feel human again.

There are certain oils the therapist can use that have calming and restorative properties to help promote feelings of relaxation, deep peace, and well-being. I swear by the stuff. I also have a stash of essential oils, potions, and lotions at home for use at bath time and bedtime.

I’ve been using Bach Rescue Remedy from Holland & Barrett for years. It’s a little bottle of reassurance in my handbag that helps calm me down in stressful situations or if I’m feeling on edge. Holland and Barret have a great range of products to help manage stress and anxiety and you might find something else that works better for you, but this stuff does the trick for me.

I also use a range of aromatherapy-based bath and shower products. Have a look at Aromatherapy Associates www.aromatherapyassociates.com – their De-Stress range is brilliant. All these potions and lotions do help me but sometimes I simply need to just step away from my computer, my phone, and go for a quick walk around the block. The fresh air clears my head and the change of scene kind of resets my busy mind. Talking to a trusted friend or family member helps me too. Someone else’s perspective can often clear the fog. As they say, a problem shared is a problem halved.

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The Stress Management Society has some very helpful resources on their website too. Have a look at www.stress.org.uk

Their aim is to get mental health back on the agenda and encourage the implementation of effective strategies. They want to ensure that the vulnerable members of society get the support they most desperately need in these challenging times.

There are also some good Apps you can download.

Look at the App Store or Google Play for a wide choice and you’ll find one that suits your needs, but can I recommend Headspace and Calm. Both have been a huge help to me and I’m sure you’ll get something from them too.

Or, if you’d rather talk to someone there’s a helpline listed on an informative website called Breathing Space Call them on 0800 83 85 87 or have a look around the website https://breathingspace.scot

Give yourself a break, take time out and look after yourself. April might be Stress Awareness Month but I say let’s keep on top of it all year round.

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